Sunday, August 4, 2024

Inventor-Lasting Memories Layout Challenges DT Reveal

 Good Morning friends, it’s another hot one here in Southern Ontario! It’s time for the latest challenge from Lasting Memories Layout Challenges . It’s a new month, so time for a new theme! Starting on July 26, athletes from around the world assembled to compete in the Summer Olympics, so let's have our own scrappy Olympics by playing along with some Olympic-inspired challenges!

Today’s challenge is - The Games of the XXXIII (33rd) Olympiad - create two or more clusters of three+ embellishments on your layout.

Here is my layout…

I created a layout of our oldest grandson. I found these pictures from a few years ago of a gadget he created. I used tags, tickets and gears for my clusters.

Be sure to check out the rest of the design team’s creations and then be sure to share your creations with us!

Thanks for stopping by! Stay cool and crafty!!!

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